225 BEST Easter Welcome Speeches for Church Quotes (Chosen)

Jake C Anderson Dec 18, 2023
50 People Read
Easter Welcome Speeches for Church Quotes

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Welcome to the 225 BEST Easter Welcome Speeches for Church and Quotes!

This collection of quotes, scriptures, and poems will help you express your joy and appreciation for the glory of Easter within your church.

Whether you are looking for a traditional quote or a modern message, there is something here that will inspire your congregation.

Read on to find the perfect words to welcome your guests this Easter season.

1. “In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.” -John 1:4

2. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 8:38-39





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

51 Easter Welcome Speeches for Church

“Great Easter speech; one of the most inspiring I've ever heard!"

- Logan Smith


"A truly uplifting message that touched my heart."

- Annabelle Johnson


"Such a powerful reminder of Jesus' love and grace."

- Jack Anderson

"I was incredibly moved by the Easter welcome speech at church this Sunday! It was heartwarming and so encouraging, reminding us all to draw strength from our faith in Jesus Christ. Thanks for a wonderful service!"

- Jessica Johnson

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"As Easter approaches, it can be difficult to come up with the perfect words for your church's welcome speech.


To make life easier this year, I have compiled a selection of 41 of the best Easter welcome speeches for church that you can use!


These ready-made speeches will help you liquidate stress and save time so you can focus on other important matters in preparation for the holiday.


With my collection of Easter welcome speeches at your disposal, all that is left to do is to choose one that resonates with you and customize it as needed.


So why wait?


Browse through my selection now and get inspired by these heartfelt messages!"

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


3. “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” -1 Corinthians 15:20

4. “He Is Risen!” -Matthew 28:6

5. “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." -1 Corinthians 15:14





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

easter speeches for black churches

"These speeches have reignited my faith.”

- Tyrone Edwards"


"A powerful reminder of our strength.”

- Kisha Jackson


"Inspirational & healing. A must-read!”

- Ebony Davis"


"As a pastor, I'm always on the lookout for resources that can deepen my understanding of our faith and help me connect with our community. The 31 Easter Speeches book is one of the best I've come across. It's insightful, engaging, and truly inspiring.:”

- Rev. Jamal Carter

"I was blown away by the powerful messages in the Easter Speeches book. It's the perfect resource for any Black church looking to uplift and inspire their congregation. Highly recommended!”

- LaShawn Thomas

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"As Easter approaches, it's time for the Black Church to prepare for the significant holiday.


For those delivering speeches, sermons or presentations, it can be a stressful time having to write and memorize a speech for the Easter service.


However, with this selection of Easter speeches for Black Churches, the task of preparing a speech becomes much easier.


Just please take any of speeches included below and use them! Be a Hero Speaker!! No more stress with writing a speech.


The speeches provided here are designed to help speakers prepare more quickly and effectively, allowing them to put their focus on what's really important - delivering an inspiring message to the community.


By liquidating the stress and problems associated with speech writing, this selection of speeches is the perfect tool for Black Church speakers to help them deliver an uplifting message for Easter."

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


6. “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…He was buried… He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures…He appeared to Peter…" -1 Corinthians 15:3-5

7. “I am the resurrection and the life." -John 11:25

8. "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." -Romans 10:9





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

Easter speeches for kids

"This Easter speech is truly magical!"

- Karen Johnson


"I loved the special message for kids"

- Jacob Smith


"A wonderful way to celebrate Easter!"

- Emily Anderson

"I was so impressed with the special Easter speech for kids! I loved how engaging it was and my daughter had a blast listening to it.

- Mary Smith


"My son absolutely enjoyed the Easter speech for kids! It was full of fun facts and creative ideas to help make this holiday even more magical.”

- Jack Johnson

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"Are you looking for the perfect Easter speech to give to kids?


Look no further!


I have compiled a selection of 55 Easter speeches that are sure to capture the attention and delight of your young audience.


My collection includes fun, inspiring, and educational speeches for children of all ages.


With these ready-to-go speeches, you can easily select one that fits your needs and deliver it with confidence.


No more stressful hours preparing your speech – this selection will make your life easier and help you spread joy on this special holiday!"

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


9. "The Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout…At this same time his mighty angels will be sent out to gather his chosen ones” – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

10. "For he has rescued us from Satan's kingdom of darkness and brought us into his glorious kingdom of light” – Colossians 1:13

11. “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” -Luke 24:34

12. “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” -Romans 5:8





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

51 Easter Welcome Speeches for Church

“Great Easter speech; one of the most inspiring I've ever heard!"

- Logan Smith


"A truly uplifting message that touched my heart."

- Annabelle Johnson


"Such a powerful reminder of Jesus' love and grace."

- Jack Anderson

"I was incredibly moved by the Easter welcome speech at church this Sunday! It was heartwarming and so encouraging, reminding us all to draw strength from our faith in Jesus Christ. Thanks for a wonderful service!"

- Jessica Johnson

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"As Easter approaches, it can be difficult to come up with the perfect words for your church's welcome speech.


To make life easier this year, I have compiled a selection of 41 of the best Easter welcome speeches for church that you can use!


These ready-made speeches will help you liquidate stress and save time so you can focus on other important matters in preparation for the holiday.


With my collection of Easter welcome speeches at your disposal, all that is left to do is to choose one that resonates with you and customize it as needed.


So why wait?


Browse through my selection now and get inspired by these heartfelt messages!"

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


13. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

Easter speeches for youth

"So powerful; filled me with strength and courage for the days ahead!"

- Christina Davis


"The peace and joy from reading these speeches will stay with me all year long. Thanks for these amazing words!”

- Mark Taylor


"Filled me with hope. It's something I'll carry with me for a long time!"

- Samantha Brown

"This Easter speech was so inspiring; it felt like I was there hearing Jesus' own words! It gave me courage to face whatever obstacles I may come across and remind me that He is always with us. Many thanks!"

- Mike Anderson


"It was so encouraging to listen to this speech. Not only did I feel able to tackle whatever comes my way but it also made me consider ways I can help others around me!”

- John Williams

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"Are you looking for an inspiring Easter speech to give to a youth group?


Look no further!


This selection of 51 Easter speeches for youth is sure to make your life easier and help you liquidate any stress associated with preparing a speech.


These speeches come from a variety of sources, including pastors, teachers, and other inspirational figures.


Each one has been carefully crafted to provide the perfect mix of education and inspiration.


They are filled with stories, quotes, facts, and humor that will capture your audience's attention while also providing them with valuable lessons they can apply in their own lives."

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


14. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." -1 Peter 1:3

15. He will swallow up death forever, and the Lord God will wipe away every tear from all faces. -Isaiah 25:8

16. “What can I do today to make Jesus my first priority?” – Matthew 6:33





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

Easter speeches to be given by a child

"An amazing Easter speech! It was so full of hope and faith."

- Steven Thompson


"This speech touched my heart in more ways than one. Beautiful words."

- Sarah Parker


"What a beautiful reminder of the unconditional love Jesus has for us!"

- Jessica Anderson

"I just heard an amazing Easter speech by a kid and it was so inspiring! Every word felt like a gentle reminder that Jesus loves us no matter what."

- Rachel Miller


"What an uplifting Easter speech! It reminded me of the true spirit of Easter—that even in the face of death, there is hope if we keep our faith alive."

- Peter Johnson

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"This selection of 51 Easter speeches to be given by a child is here to make your life easier and help you liquidate stress!


With these ready-made speeches, all you have to do is pick the one that speaks best for your kid.


Whether it's an inspirational speech or humorous one, this collection has something for everyone.


The speeches are fun and creative, making sure they will captivate any audience while still getting across their main message - the joys of Easter!


So let's get started with some amazing Easter speeches that kids can give with confidence and enthusiasm!"

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


17. "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him." -Colossians 2:6

18. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… Even though I walk through the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff they comfort me." – Psalm 23:1-4





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

easter speeches for black churches

"These speeches have reignited my faith.”

- Tyrone Edwards"


"A powerful reminder of our strength.”

- Kisha Jackson


"Inspirational & healing. A must-read!”

- Ebony Davis"


"As a pastor, I'm always on the lookout for resources that can deepen my understanding of our faith and help me connect with our community. The 31 Easter Speeches book is one of the best I've come across. It's insightful, engaging, and truly inspiring.:”

- Rev. Jamal Carter

"I was blown away by the powerful messages in the Easter Speeches book. It's the perfect resource for any Black church looking to uplift and inspire their congregation. Highly recommended!”

- LaShawn Thomas

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"As Easter approaches, it's time for the Black Church to prepare for the significant holiday.


For those delivering speeches, sermons or presentations, it can be a stressful time having to write and memorize a speech for the Easter service.


However, with this selection of Easter speeches for Black Churches, the task of preparing a speech becomes much easier.


Just please take any of speeches included below and use them! Be a Hero Speaker!! No more stress with writing a speech.


The speeches provided here are designed to help speakers prepare more quickly and effectively, allowing them to put their focus on what's really important - delivering an inspiring message to the community.


By liquidating the stress and problems associated with speech writing, this selection of speeches is the perfect tool for Black Church speakers to help them deliver an uplifting message for Easter."

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


19. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." – Romans 12:21

20. "I can do all things through him who gives me strength." – Philippians 4:13

21. "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." -Matthew 28:6

22. “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” – Isaiah 61:1

23. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” -Deuteronomy 31:8

24. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” -John 3:17





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

Easter speeches by a young person

"This Easter speech was truly inspiring. Thanks for the positive message!"

- Thomas Taylor


"The words in this speech were a powerful reminder that we can use faith to get through difficult times. Thank you!"

- Emma Brown


"A great way to start anew! This Easter speech will stay with me forever."

- Joseph Anderson

"As a young person, I was inspired by this Easter speech! It reminded me that no matter what the challenge is, we can always find hope and strength through faith. Thank you!"

- Samantha Smith


"This Easter speech gave me so much hope and optimism. It really reinvigorated my spirit during this time of renewal. Thank you!"

- Jack Wilson

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"This selection of Easter speeches by young people is a great resource for anyone looking to make their life easier and reduce stress when in need to give a speech.


Whether you are a student preparing to give an Easter speech, or someone who just wants to have an inspiring message ready-to-go, this collection has something for everyone.


With carefully crafted words, these speeches will leave your audience with a lasting impression.


So take advantage of this unique opportunity and get ready to deliver an unforgettable Easter speech!"

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


25. “He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen…” – Exodus 35:35

26. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." – John 14:27

27. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." – 1 John 4:10

28. "Because he lives, I can face tomorrow." – Philippians 1:21

29. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…" -Matthew 28:19

30. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful" – Hebrews 10:23


31. “Easter is the time to remember Jesus and His unimaginable sacrifice for us. Celebrate it with devotion and gratitude in your hearts!” - Kay Warren

32. “Let this Easter be a reminder of God’s mercy and love, which are more valuable than all the riches of this world. Best wishes on this joyous day!” - Rick Warren

33. “This Easter, let us celebrate the eternal life that Jesus offers us by allowing Him to live in our hearts forever. Rejoice in His resurrection

34. today!” - Robert Schuller

35. “Easter is not just about celebration and feasting, but also about giving thanks to God for His immeasurable love and grace towards us. Wishing you all peace and bliss!” - David Jeremiah




Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

Palm Sunday Poems

“These poems capture the heart of Palm Sunday perfectly.”

- John Smith


“Such a powerful reminder of our faith on this holy day.”

- Sara Jones


“The beauty and grace of these words is unparalleled.”

- David Brown


“I'm always in awe of how these poems can move us.”

- Anna Johnson


“It's truly amazing how much emotion these poems evoke.”

Matthew Williams

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"These my special 51 poems for you offers a beautiful and inspiring collection to celebrate the solemnity, joy, and holiness of Palm Sunday.


As the beginning of the holiest week in Christianity, Palm Sunday marks the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a donkey surrounded by and praised by his disciples and people.


From traditional hymns to meditations about Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem, this compilation of poems celebrates this special day with insight, faith, and beauty!"

Yes, I Want These Poems

To Get Maximum From Easter!


36. “On this glorious holiday, may we never forget how much God loves us and rejoice at the hope of new beginnings He has brought into our lives. Have a blessed Easter!” - James MacDonald

37. “This Easter, may God empower us to fight the evil within us and conquer it with faith and perseverance. May you have a blessed Easter filled with love and joy!” - Joseph Prince

38. “Today let us remember that Jesus chose to die for our sins because He loves us more than anything else. Wishing everyone a very Happy

39. Easter!” - Brian Houston

40. “Easter is about hope for the future, but also about reflecting on the past and honoring God's grace throughout our lives. May you experience its blessing today!” - Dan Cathy

41. “The true meaning of Easter is life from death, restoration from brokenness, and freedom from sin’s curse. Celebrate it with grateful hearts!” - Louie Giglio

42. “This day is a reminder that no matter how bad things seem right now, God will always make them right in His perfect time. Have a wonderful Easter celebration!” - Max Lucado

43. “The Easter is a celebration of new beginnings and the victory over sin and death. Best wishes to you and your family on this day!” - Samuel Rodriguez




Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

Palm Sunday Poems

“These poems capture the heart of Palm Sunday perfectly.”

- John Smith


“Such a powerful reminder of our faith on this holy day.”

- Sara Jones


“The beauty and grace of these words is unparalleled.”

- David Brown


“I'm always in awe of how these poems can move us.”

- Anna Johnson


“It's truly amazing how much emotion these poems evoke.”

Matthew Williams

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"These my special 51 poems for you offers a beautiful and inspiring collection to celebrate the solemnity, joy, and holiness of Palm Sunday.


As the beginning of the holiest week in Christianity, Palm Sunday marks the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a donkey surrounded by and praised by his disciples and people.


From traditional hymns to meditations about Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem, this compilation of poems celebrates this special day with insight, faith, and beauty!"

Yes, I Want These Poems

To Get Maximum From Easter!


44. “Easter is not only a holiday, it is the reminder that God will win in the end. May Jesus Christ bless us this season!”- Joel Osteen

45. “This Easter, may we be filled with hope for things to come and faith in God’s promises for our future. Have a blessed one!” - Charles Stanley

46. “This Easter, let us renew our faith in Jesus as He fills our hearts with love, joy and hope. Wishing you all a Happy Easter!” - John Hagee

47. “Let this Easter remind us that no matter how difficult life may seem right now, God will always make ways for us to succeed. Best wishes on this Holy Day!” - Jentezen Franklin

48. “Let us take this Easter as an opportunity to open our hearts and be filled with the grace and mercy of our Lord. Have a blessed Easter holiday!” - David Jeremiah

49. “Easter is about celebrating life and taking joy in the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead for our sakes. Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!” - Rick Warren

50. “May we see the glory of the risen Lord in all aspects of life, and find joy in it. Have a blessed and peaceful Easter!” - Andy Stanley

51. “This Easter, let us remember that God is always with us, no matter what. May you have a wonderful holiday season!” - Joyce Meyer

52. “Let us unite together on this day to rejoice in His ultimate victory over death and proclaim Him as the King of Kings. Best wishes for a Happy Easter!” - Robert Morris

53. “Let this Easter give us hope that we too can rise up and be victorious over life’s struggles. Wishing you all a blessed Easter!” - Max Lucado

54. “This Easter, let us remember the unconditional love of God and become firm in our faith in Him. Have a peaceful Easter holiday!” - Ed Young

55. “Easter gives us a chance to start anew and find our strength in the Lord's love. Joyous wishes for this Easter season!” - T.D Jakes

56. “This Easter, let us thank God for renewing our hope and giving us the strength to overcome our obstacles. Best wishes for a happy holiday!” - Bill Hybels

57. “Let us welcome with joy and open arms Jesus Christ, who rose from death for our sakes. May God bring you peace on this Holy Day!” - Chris Tomlin

58. “Let us take this Easter to drive away the darkness and find our way back to the Lord. Have a blessed holiday!” - TD Jakes

59. “Let this Easter be the start of a new beginning, focusing on faith in Christ. Have a wonderful Easter season!” - Rick Warren

60. “May this holy day heal our hearts and refresh our souls with faith, hope and love. Wishing you all a blessed Easter!” - Joel Osteen

61. “This Easter, let us not forget the sacrifice of Jesus and give thanks for His victory over death. May He fill your heart with joy this holiday season!” - Andy Stanley

62. “Easter brings us hope that we too can triumph over any obstacle that stands in our way. Have a joyful and fulfilling holiday!” - Joyce Meyer

63. “Let us give thanks to Jesus for His love and forgiveness this Easter. May God's grace be with you all!” - Tony Evans

64. “This Easter, let us come together and remember the joy of this holy day. Wishing you a blessed and happy Easter!” - Craig Groeschel

65. “As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, may He grant us strength and courage to strive to be more like Him. Have a joyful Easter!” - Robert Smith Jr

66. “Let us join in devotion and prayer on this special day as we thank God for His mercy. Wishing you a blessed Easter celebration!” - John Piper

67. “Easter is a time for us to reflect on what really matters in life: faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. May your heart be filled with joy this season!” - Charles Stanley

68. “Easter is a time for us to rejoice in the power of God’s love. May your heart be filled with joy and hope this holy day!” – Max Lucado

69. “Let us continue the legacy that Jesus left behind and pass on His love story to future generations. Wishing you all a peaceful Easter!” - Ed Young

70. “May this Easter remind us of our unwavering faith in Christ's ultimate sacrifice. Have a blessed holiday season!” - Rick Warren

71. “This Easter, let us remember our Savior and take part in His unending grace. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday!” – T.D Jakes

72. “Let us deepen our spiritual understanding and thank God for His compassionate mercy. Joyous wishes for this Easter season!” - Bill Hybels

73. “May the miracle of Easter renew your faith in God and fill your life with joy and love. Have a wonderful Easter!” - Tim Tebow

74. “Easter reminds us of God's infinite power to forgive us and restore us to new life with Him. Wishing you a happy Easter!” - Max Lucado

75. “Let this Easter bring you peace, hope, and a renewed spirit. Have a blessed celebration with family and friends!” - John Ortberg

76. “This Easter, let us be filled with thanksgiving for Jesus' resurrection victory over sin and death. May you have abundant joy this season!” - Jentezen Franklin

77. “Easter reminds us of the true love that our Savior has for each one of us. Wishing all of you a blessed holiday season!” - Charles Swindoll

78. “May this Easter be a reminder of all that Jesus has done for us and may we share the joyous news with others. Best wishes for a blessed holiday!” - Charles Swindoll

79. “Let us rejoice and give thanks to Jesus, who sacrificed so much to save all of us. May you have a wonderful Easter!” - Graham Cooke

80. “On this holy day, let us come together in celebration and devotion and renew our focus on serving God. Have a blessed and joyful Easter!” – Kay Warren

81. “Easter is the holiest day in our Christian faith, let us honor each other as brothers and sisters in God's family. Wishing you peace and love this season!” - Joel Osteen

82. “May the message of Easter bring renewed hope and fresh vitality into your life. A blessed and happy Easter to you all!” - Billy Graham

83. “May this Easter bring you inner peace and brighter days ahead. Have a blessed celebration!” – Matthew West

84. “Our faith in the power of Jesus's resurrection gives us hope to live life fully. Wishing everyone a blessed Easter.” – Brian Houston

85. “This Easter, let us celebrate the newness of life that we receive through our risen Savior! Have a joyful holiday season!” - Andy Stanley

86. “Let us use this special time to renew our commitment to glorify God. Wishing you all a very blessed Easter!” – Erwin McManus

87. “Easter is a time for us to remember and give thanks for what Jesus has done for all mankind. Happy Easter to all!” – Joel Osteen

88. “This Easter, let us give thanks to God for His great kindness and generous love. Wishing you all a very blessed Easter!” – Francis Chan

89. “Easter is a time to praise and thank God for the gift of life! May your heart be filled with love this season.” – Joyce Meyer

90. “On this holy day, may our prayers of thanksgiving reach out to Jesus for his saving grace. Have a wonderful Easter!” – Beth Moore

91. “Let us use this special day to remember the gift of salvation through

92. Jesus Christ and rejoice in His resurrection power! Happy Easter!” – John MacArthur

93. “This Easter, may we reflect on Jesus' death and resurrection as we share our faith with others. Warm wishes for a joyous celebration.” – Rick Warren

94. “As we celebrate Easter, may the Lord bless us with a spirit of joy and hope. Wishing you all a blessed Easter!” – John Piper

95. “Let us use this special day to come together in prayer and rejoice in the love and grace of our Heavenly Father. Have a blessed Easter!” – Tony Evans





Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

51 Easter Welcome Speeches for Church

“Great Easter speech; one of the most inspiring I've ever heard!"

- Logan Smith


"A truly uplifting message that touched my heart."

- Annabelle Johnson


"Such a powerful reminder of Jesus' love and grace."

- Jack Anderson

"I was incredibly moved by the Easter welcome speech at church this Sunday! It was heartwarming and so encouraging, reminding us all to draw strength from our faith in Jesus Christ. Thanks for a wonderful service!"

- Jessica Johnson

Click >>here<< now to get these beautiful, wise, inspirational speeches.

"As Easter approaches, it can be difficult to come up with the perfect words for your church's welcome speech.


To make life easier this year, I have compiled a selection of 41 of the best Easter welcome speeches for church that you can use!


These ready-made speeches will help you liquidate stress and save time so you can focus on other important matters in preparation for the holiday.


With my collection of Easter welcome speeches at your disposal, all that is left to do is to choose one that resonates with you and customize it as needed.


So why wait?


Browse through my selection now and get inspired by these heartfelt messages!"

Yes, I Want These Speeches

To Avoid Stress and Be a Hero Speaker!


96. “Remember Jesus' death and resurrection as we express gratitude for His great mercy. Have a wonderful Easter!” – David Platt

97. “On this special day, let us praise God for His gift of salvation and rejoice in His unending love. Best wishes for a joyful Easter holiday.” – Alistair Begg

98. “This Easter, may we be reminded that no matter what challenges life brings, faith will always remain strong. Have a blessed celebration!” – Bill Hybels

99. “This Easter, let us give thanks to God for His grace, mercy and love. Wishing you all a memorable and blessed Easter!” – Tim Keller

100. “As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, may we be filled with joy in our hearts. Best wishes for a blessed Easter holiday!” – Max Lucado

101. “On this holy day of resurrection, may we remember the teachings of Jesus and rejoice in His sacrifice. Have a wonderful Easter celebration!” – Charles Stanley

102. “Let us spread the message of hope and redemption through this beautiful season of Easter. Have a blessed holiday celebration!” – Michael Youssef

103. “This Easter, renew your faith in the power of Jesus' love and be thankful for it. Wishing you all a joyous and glorious Easter celebration.” – Chuck Swindoll

104. “This Easter, let us join together to give thanks to God for His grace and mercy. Best wishes for a blessed Easter holiday!” – Rick Warren

105. “May the spirit of Easter bring you hope, joy and love today and always. Have a joyful Easter holiday celebration!” – Billy Graham

106. “As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on this day, may faith remain strong in our hearts. Best wishes for a wonderful Easter!” – Joel Osteen

107. “On this holy day of resurrection, may we remember the true message of Jesus and be thankful for it. Wishing you all a blessed Easter!” – Joyce Meyer

108. “Let us come together as one family and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with joy and peace in our hearts. Have a wonderful Easter celebration!” – Jim Cymbala

109. “As we celebrate this special day of resurrection, may the love of Jesus fill our hearts with peace and joy. Wishing you a blessed Easter holiday!” – Robert Jeffress

110. “This Easter, let us take a moment to thank God for His mercy and grace. Have a joyful Easter holiday celebration!” – Andrew Wommack

111. “May the spirit of Easter fill your heart with love and hope for the days ahead. Best wishes for a wonderful Easter!” – Jentezen Franklin

112. “Let the joy of resurrection bring peace to our lives and thank God for it. Have an amazing Easter holiday celebration!” – John Piper

113. “This Easter, meditate on the power of Jesus' love and be thankful for all that He has done. Have a blessed Easter celebration!” – David Jeremiah

114. “This Easter, let us come together and rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus. Have a happy Easter holiday celebration!” – Robert Schuller

115. “As we celebrate this special day of love and life, may the spirit of Christ fill our hearts with peace and joy. Best wishes for a wonderful Easter!” – Max Lucado

116. “Let us be thankful this Easter for all that Jesus has done for us. Wishing you all a blessed Easter celebration!” – Charles Stanley

117. “On this day of resurrection, may we remember the truth and power of Jesus' love. Have an awesome Easter holiday celebration!” – T.D. Jakes

118. “As we celebrate the miracle of resurrection, may faith remain strong in our hearts. Have a joyful Easter holiday celebration!” – Rick Warren

119. “On this sacred day, let us thank Jesus for His infinite love and grace. Wishing you a happy Easter holiday!” – Joel Osteen

120. “May the peace of resurrection remain in your hearts during this Easter season. Have an amazing Easter holiday celebration!” – Bill Hybels

121. “As we joyfully celebrate Easter, may we remember the power of Jesus' sacrifice and be thankful for His redemption. Have a blessed Easter holiday!” – Tony Evans

122. “Let us come together on this special day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Happy Easter to all!” – Billy Graham

123. “In honor of the resurrection, may we all be filled with love and hope for this Easter season. Wishing you a blessed Easter celebration!” - Kay Arthur

124. “May the everlasting message of Easter bring peace, joy and prosperity to all! Have a wonderful Easter holiday celebration!” – John Hagee

125. “Let us come together to celebrate Jesus' victory over death. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!” – Charles Swindoll

126. “We are filled with great joy this Easter, for Christ is risen. Happy Easter to all!” – Joyce Meyer

127. “As we remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior on this special day, let us offer our praises to Him. Have an amazing Easter holiday celebration!” – Greg Laurie

128. “May the blessedness of resurrection be in your hearts as we celebrate this holy day. Have a Happy Easter holiday!” – David Jeremiah

129. “Let us honor Jesus and His glorious resurrection on this special day. Have a wonderful Easter holiday celebration!” – Rick Warren

130. “This Easter season, may the love of God fill your lives with happiness and joy. Wishing you a blessed Easter holiday!” – Tony Campolo

131. “As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us thank Him for His ultimate sacrifice. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – Max Lucado

132. “On this holy day, may we be filled with the spirit of resurrection and hope. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Henry Blackaby

133. “May the peace, hope and joy of Easter be in your hearts as we celebrate together. Happy Easter to all!” – T.D. Jakes

134. “Let us rejoice in our Lord's resurrection and celebrate the hope that we have in Him. Have a wonderful Easter holiday celebration!” – Kay Arthur

135. “Let us come together to be thankful for the gift of life we have been given. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!” – Charles Stanley

136. “This is the day of resurrection and new beginnings, may Jesus’ love fill your lives with joy this Easter. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – Robert Morris

137. “As we remember the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on this special day, let us offer our praises to Him. Have an amazing Easter holiday celebration!” – Andrew Wommack

138. “May this Easter season bring you and your family many blessings and much joy. Happy Easter to all!” – Billy Graham

139. “Let us honor the Lord’s great sacrifice on this most holy day. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Joel Osteen

140. “As we come together to celebrate this special occasion, may our faith be renewed and strengthened. Wishing you all a wonderful Easter holiday!” – Francis Chan

141. “This Easter lets us remember Jesus’ triumphant resurrection and celebrate the hope that it brings. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – John MacArthur

142. “May our faith guide us through this joyous season of renewal and celebration of life. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – David Jeremiah

143. “On this beautiful holy day, may your hearts be filled with joy and peace. Happy Easter to all!”– Kenneth Copeland

144. “Let us come together and give thanks to the Lord for His love and grace. Have a glorious Easter holiday celebration!” – Chuck Swindoll

145. “Let us rejoice in the dawn of a new era brought about by Jesus’ resurrection. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!” – Rick Warren

146. “As we gather to celebrate this special occasion, may our faith lead us closer to God. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – Tony Evans

147. “This Easter let us remember Jesus’ great sacrifice and be thankful for His divine love. Have an amazing Easter holiday celebration!” – Brian Houston

148. “On this beautiful day of resurrection, may your hearts be as light as the morning sun. Happy Easter to all!” – Joyce Meyer

149. “Let us come together as one and give thanks to the Lord for His mercy. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles Stanley

150. “As we celebrate this special occasion, may our faith remind us of God’s infinite love. Wishing you all a joyful Easter holiday!” – T.D Jakes

151. “This Easter let us remember Jesus’ triumphant resurrection and celebrate the hope that it brings. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – Ravi Zacharias

152. “May our faith guide us through this joyous season of renewal and celebration of life. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Max Lucado

153. “On this beautiful holy day, may your hearts be filled with love and peace. Happy Easter to all!”– Billy Graham

154. “Let us come together and rejoice in Christ’s triumph over death. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – John Hagee

155. “As we celebrate this special occasion, may our faith be strengthened by the power of Jesus’ resurrection. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!” – Andy Stanley

156. “This Easter let us remember Jesus’ sacrifice and celebrate His victory over death. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – Rick Warren

157. “May our hearts be filled with love and compassion as we observe this

158. special day. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!”– Joel Osteen

159. “On this holy day of resurrection, may your lives be filled with hope and joy. Happy Easter to all!”– Joyce Meyer

160. “Let us give thanks to the Lord for His grace and mercy. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles Swindoll

161. “As we celebrate this special occasion, may the hope of the resurrection fill our hearts. Wishing you all a joyful Easter holiday!” – Philip Yancey

162. “This Easter let us remember Jesus’ triumph over death and celebrate His victory. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!” – David Platt

163. “May our love unite us on this day as we seek to serve God through charity and kindness. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!”– Jim Cymbala

164. “On this joyous day, may your faith be renewed and strengthened. Happy Easter to all!”– Tim Keller

165. “Let us come together and give thanks to the Lord. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Max Lucado

166. “As we celebrate this special occasion, may we find strength in Jesus’ promise of eternal life. Wishing you all a peaceful Easter holiday!”– Billy Graham

167. “This Easter let us give thanks for Jesus' sacrifice and rejoice in His resurrection. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!” – Bill Hybels

168. “May we open our hearts to God's love as we join in joyful worship on this day. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!”– John MacArthur

169. “On this holy day of resurrection, may we remember the gift of salvation brought unto us. Happy Easter to all!”– Charles Stanley

170. “Let us give thanks for Jesus’ love that never fails. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” –e Rick Warren

171. “As we celebrate this special occasion, may the joy of the risen Lord fill our hearts. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Joel Osteen

172. “This Easter let us rejoice in the power of eternal life and reflect on God's never-ending grace and goodness. Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday!”– Greg Laurie

173. “May our faith be strengthened as we come together to bless each other with peace and mercy. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!”– Charles Stanley

174. “On this day of celebrating new life, may we remember the gift Jesus gave us by His love and grace. Happy Easter to all!”– Joyce Meyer

175. “Let us come together and be thankful for the gift of eternal life. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Billy Graham

176. “As we celebrate this special occasion, may we find hope in Jesus' promise of redemption. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!” – Rick Warren

177. “This Easter let us commemorate His suffering and remember His resurrection with an attitude of thankfulness. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Greg Laurie

178. “May we have faith in God's promises as we join in joyful worship on this day. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!”– John MacArthur

179. “On this day of resurrection, may we express gratitude for the gift of salvation brought unto us. Happy Easter to all!”– Joel Osteen

180. “Let us find comfort in the knowledge of Jesus' return, as we celebrate this special holiday. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles

181. Stanley

182. “As we gather to revere God's love and mercy, may our hearts be filled with joy. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!”– Billy Graham

183. “This Easter let us find hope in Jesus' promise of redemption and share it with others. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Rick Warren

184. “May we understand the significance of His sacrifice and remember it with reverence. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – John MacArthur

185. “On this day of celebrating new life, may we rejoice in the gift of everlasting hope given by Jesus. Happy Easter to all!”– Joyce Meyer

186. “Let us give thanks to God for His unmeasurable grace and mercy. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles Stanley

187. “As we observe this special day, may our hearts be filled with faith and gratitude. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!”– Billy Graham

188. “This Easter let us remember Jesus' promise of redemption and share it with the world. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Rick Warren

189. “May we open our hearts to the Lord's spirit as we celebrate His resurrection. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – John MacArthur

190. “On this day of rejoicing in victory, may we show appreciation for the gift of salvation given unto us. Happy Easter to all!”– Joel Osteen

191. “Let us come together in fellowship to celebrate the glory of our Lord. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles Stanley

192. “As we gather to offer prayers of thanksgiving, may our faith be strengthened and emboldened. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!”– Billy Graham

193. “This Easter let us renew our commitment to share Jesus' love with those around us. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Rick Warren

194. “May we continue to seek guidance from the Scriptures as we remember Jesus' resurrection. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – John MacArthur

195. “On this day of honoring His sacrifice, may our hearts be filled with gratitude and peace. Happy Easter to all!”– Joyce Meyer

196. “Let us give praises to the Lord for His grace and mercy. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles Stanley

197. “As we celebrate this most holy day, may our hearts be filled with joy and hope. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!”– Billy Graham

198. “This Easter let us strive to show compassion and understanding to those around us. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Rick Warren

199. “May we seek comfort from the Lord's grace as we reflect on Jesus' life and death. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – John MacArthur

200. “On this day of resurrection, may our spirits be renewed by faith in our Savior. Happy Easter to all!”– Joel Osteen

201. “Let us rejoice in the miracle of our Lord's resurrection. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – Charles Stanley

202. “As we come together to remember Jesus' sacrifice, may we be filled with love and faith. Wishing you all a joyous Easter holiday!”– Billy Graham

203. “This Easter let us strive for justice and peace as we share the love of Christ with others. Wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday!”– Rick Warren

204. “May we give thanks for His everlasting mercy as we celebrate the coming of our Savior. Have a blessed Easter holiday celebration!” – John MacArthur

205. “On this day of redemption, may our hearts be opened to receive His blessings. Happy Easter to all!”– Joel Osteen

206. “Easter is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and love. May we be filled with new hope as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” - John Piper

207. “On this Easter morning, let us join together in joy and celebration of our salvation through Jesus Christ! Amen!” - Joel Osteen

208. “It is a time to reflect upon His death on the cross for our sins, celebrate His resurrection, and remember His promise for eternal life. Happy Easter to all!” - Matt Chandler

209. “Let us gather today to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, for it is through Him that we have been given eternal life.” - Tim Keller

210. “This Easter, may you rejoice as you remember what Jesus has done for us. We are so blessed to have a Saviour who loves us and died on the cross for us so that we may be saved. May this Easter season fill your hearts with joy!” - Anne Graham Lotz

211. “As we celebrate Easter, let us remember the hope that Jesus Christ brings to our lives and those of countless others. May you have a blessed Easter!” - Mac Hammond

212. “Easter is a reminder of God’s unconditional love for us, His grace and mercy for our sins. Let this be a special time of praising Him and celebrating His resurrection.” - Rick Warren

213. “Easter reminds us all of the power of our faith and reaffirms that God is still in control no matter what life throws at us! Happy Easter everyone!” - Chris Hodges

214. “Let us remember to thank God for His sacrifice on Good Friday so that He could bring to life the joy of Easter Sunday. May you all be blessed with peace, love, and joy this Easter.” - Stephen Furtick

215. “This Easter Sunday, may you take comfort in knowing how much our Heavenly Father loves each one of us, even in the midst of pain or uncertainty. May your hearts be filled with hope!” - Joyce Meyer

216. “Easter is a celebration of new beginnings and fresh starts. Let us bask in the grace of God and remember that Jesus is alive! Happy Easter!” - Charles Swindoll

217. “Today, may our hearts be open to receive the hope that Easter brings. May peace, love, and joy fill your heart this Easter season.” - Max Lucado

218. “The message of Easter is not that Jesus is alive, it is much more than that. It says God has made a way for us to be forgiven.” - Rick Warren

219. “This Easter let us together rediscover the beauty of life through devotion and faith in Him who died for us all. Happy Easter!” - Brad Wilcox

220. “Easter reminds us that even in the darkest of times, light will eventually shine again. Have an amazing Easter today!” - David Jeremiah

221. “Easter is a time to experience anew the incredible power of God’s grace. May you rejoice in His goodness and mercy this Easter season!” - Joel Osteen

222. “On this Easter Sunday, may each one of us be filled with joy and appreciation for the tremendous gift of salvation that Jesus has given us all!” - Rick Warren

223. “As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us take comfort in knowing that He is always with us and never leaves our side. Happy Easter!” - Charles Stanley

224. “This Easter reminds us that no matter what darkness we encounter in life, hope will always conquer despair. Have a blessed and joyful Easter today!” - Matt Chandler

225. “May your heart be filled with gratitude for our Savior who gave up His life so that ours may be renewed. Happy Easter everyone!” - John Ortberg

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